woensdag 30 juni 2010

troubling times

At the moment ever one is afraid for a double dip.

only the fear for this is a problem.
Also now china is now decoupling there yuan a little from the dollar but no big changes yet..

yen is up
dollar is stable
euro is down.

so what will happen in the future, with luck the yen will go down after Juli because of the elections and the changes .. that can be done after these elections..

So will the dollar drop and the euro even more and the yuan go up?

The oil problem in the golf of Mexico will be come an issue also there are some storm on there way there.. so what will happen to BP?

I expect that the double dip will happen but it will be not as big as expected.
Also this turbulent market made a lot of people very rich, we now have the most rich people, so people where smart and made good money.

So what could happen is that the euro will drop because it is linked to the Chinese market and have invested too much in America, so id the dollar goes down the Euro will follow.
It will be a good time for Asia to buy up western companies, and will go after the resources (Japan and Afghanistan) and China Africa
So I expect that Obama will have an big issue with the BP oil spill.
This will give him big problem at the home front.