maandag 21 november 2011

how strong can the yen get before the BOJ start buying dollars

here a overview

i think if it hits 75 .. or so , or do they let it drop under the 75 ??
i will act on 75 and then buy 66% dollars wait with the 33% until it drops a little bit more ..

at the moment silver and gold are doing strange things this will stabilize before new year i hope ..
this because of France and other country that have problems I hope the problem with France will be clear at the end of the year and thinks in America will also stabilize ..
also i hope the boj will interact before new year ..

if not 2012 will be very interesting ...

dinsdag 15 november 2011

BOJ May Warn of Yen Rise Pain, EU; Policy Seen Steady

So it looks like when the yen is to strong the BOJ will step in again but this time bigger ..
at the moment the dollar is at 77 ..
I hope it can get as strong as 75 ... then I will buy dollars and wait for the BOJ to do there stuff hope they can bring it up to 90 or 85 this time ...

I also hope this will happen before 2012 and then use the yens for an investment into silver .. because that will be then suppressed by the BOJ intervention and will maybe starts with the path higher into 2012 ..

vrijdag 11 november 2011

good new

looks like the yen is getting stronger and jp government will let it play out , this because they want to invest in euro zone so they will need a strong yen .
JP is also joining the TTP so a strong yen will be needed

if the dollar goes to 70 I will buy my dollars back and wait for the next intervention of the boj after the support of euro..
if japan plays it smart they can buy cheap into Europa they only need the yen loss and let it rise against the dollar and euro and then buy into Europa and the do an boj intervention for there export.
if they will do the intervention I think the silver and gold price will go down with 5% I think this will happen at end of Q2 or middle Q3 of 2012 ..
so I will look to buy at 70 and then sell after the intervention .. will end up at 79 or so I will make 10% and then buy new silver ..

I expect silver to rise the next 4 months and then after these 4 months expect a scarp drop again this will be caused by a combination of the japanese deal to support Europa and quickly after this the BOJ intervention and the problems in Italia and greece these will also become bigger in 4 months, the BOJ alone can make silver drop 10% and I think Europa will also force the sliver and gold price down .. if Italian sell there gold to china gold will drop a lot ..
so i expect silver and gold to go to new record in the comming 4 months also in the winter gold and silver will do better .. I hope silver will go to 60 and gold around 2300.

then if the bubble ends I will sell silver and wait until the bottom to buy silver again .. i need to look now in what I will invest the money when I go out of silver and in to cash .. I need to look which currency is the best

So now the following is important
how high can the yen go ??
70 to the dollar ?
how fast can silver go up and gold in time before the Japanese intervention and the real problems in Europa.
Also we need to look at America if they will not start printing extra dollars.
and look what china and the silent rusia are doing ..
2012 will be interesting, it will be a time of big opportunities but also loss of money hope I will be on the correct side of the coin : ).

so if i am lucky I can make some profit with silver and then buy dollars cheap and wait for a BOJ intervention and buy silver cheap again
I think this will work only one time after this , at the end of 2012 the dollar will drop and the euro and chine will take over the gold and silver market and will push it to new hights..

woensdag 9 november 2011

italia gold/silver and dollar/yen

Today Italia went over the 7% so they will become a problem for the euro and this country is 17% of the euro zone.
Italia is the number 7 country holding gold.
what happened today was that gold went down but also the stock market..
the strange thing is that the gold in dollars went down but in yen went up .
also it went upgain after this dip , I expect it will go more up in the next days.

As i can see the bounds and stocks are linked to the gold prize , but this is only with big news of movements in the market. the strange thing is that they are in line so stocks go down then gold also goes down , but later gold goes up .. if stocks does down ..
I think Italia can be helped by china , because of there gold .. but what will this do to the gold price ... i think it will go up .. also German will not use there gold to exchange to money ... this is also a good sign that gold is getting more important
also at the moment gold is going to its old high ... 1800 but silver stays far under the 40/50 at the moment, I think silver will make the move to 40 soon with a big leap ..
silver will not go under the 30 again if I look at the history..

So now waiting what Italia will do and if china will step in ..
if this will happen silver will go up together with gold
I also think if silver leaps to 45 then it will go into a small bubble again ..
gold will go slowly up ..

ps strange, is that now the price of silver is lower as yesterday (store), so the dollar yen exchange has a very strange effect on the silver trade .

maandag 7 november 2011

yen and dollar

o.k the prize of the yen/dollar is now stabilized at 78 .. and now slowly dropping again ..

silver is dropping again .. this because of the long weekend and the problems in Greece.. I will wait for a big drop and then step in ..
after this investment i will hold my money because there is an opportunity to buy some cheap land l can buy here in Japan ..

so one of these they will come the last dip and then go up again ..