woensdag 15 februari 2012


I hoped the problem would go faster but that was and isn't the case so now silver and gold are moving side ways..
the problems in Europa are not resolved because they are waiting for new elections so we will know more after April .. also the other elections ..

so maybe gold and silver will do nothing .. until Greece really collapse.. and when Europa will dump there gold .. then gold will spike down and rally up again ..
so waiting is the best ... now ..
it can also spike up but then you need to buy fast ..
so it is very unclear what will happen but at the moment waiting is good but keep the news and the prizes in gold and silver in your eye side..
also the things BOJ are doing are still unclear and it looks it have only small effects on the prize of the yen .. It looks more a waist of money than it really helps ..

so interesting times and keep your eye on the news.....