woensdag 17 maart 2010

My ideas and background

My home country is The Netherlands there the problem now just starting, the kabinet is just fallen and now there is the issue of saving 39 miljoen euro..
So 1750 euro a person must be paid to get ride of the debt..
So more taxes...

Voor de nederlanders hier meer over "Jim Rogers"
Een "tegen licht uitzending van youtube"
Jim Rogers is the Asian model Viable for the West ? pt 1/2

Why did I choose Japan Tokyo because it is like the London of Europe.
The asia countries look at Tokyo how it is build and the success story and developments here in Tokyo.
Also I hope Japan will come out of this money problems because of China and other asia countries even Austraila. So I hope Japan will be the new leader.

The real leader will be China but they will use the japan models.

Also living in Tokyo is cheaper if you have a good job, here in Japan there is still an advance if you get payed good. In The Netherlands it is not stimulated anymore to get a good paying job by the 52% tax ...on your salary.. and it will be raised in the near future...

The smart and good educated people will leave the West for the East in the next 5 a 10 years..

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