maandag 31 oktober 2011


small update

I have sold my dollars .. yesterday
at 77.59 today it went up to almost 79 but I think it will go now slowly down to 75 again ..
silver looks to go to the Resistance of 35 dollar but is now just below 35 and may is going to make a little dip before it goes true the 35 dollar ..
so I will wait until end of this/ next week to buy silver ..

the stock market made a rally but is now slowing down .. also my old infa stock is going down now .. , also the silver on ebay is getting a higher prize ..
so I hope people will go in gold/silver after this stock bubble .. this will push the price of silver higher ..
I expect this to happen in 1 or 2 weeks ..
then also the curve is inline with the graph ... and that we will enter a up trend for the the next 2 months in silver and gold ...

This upwards trend will also be supported by the problems in Europa .. this will push the yen up and the silver and gold prizes also as people will leave the investments of the governments note (oblig) .. and go in the stock market and commodities so silver and gold will make a jump ..
I also expect that there will be some interventions with the yen again .. but also with the euro and the dollar as these currencies are making a race to the the cheapest one .
Also need to watch out what Russia an china will and are doing ..

so I am wait now for the right moment to buy silver ..
also how much much I buy ...

I will look at the dollar price and look if it goes up or not ??
but I think it will not go to 85 or so , so maybe I will lose some money with this transaction but I hope to make it good with the silver rally ..
the raise in dollar can only be 20 % but that of silver can be 100% in 1 year .. so now was a nice time to switch , with the Japanese intervention .. now looking to silver when to step in at the right moment

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