woensdag 15 augustus 2012

Silver stable.. but move coming soon

It was a very strange time for silver the last weeks.
But I think now is the time for the move..

it can be that it will first drop ... and then rally until next year.. so lets wait and see..

Also I am busy with the new site and silver coins webshop (www.tokyocoin.jp)
I will also move the blog to that site and also keep this one ..

The coin web shop will ship inside Japan silver coins..

So I will also set up the blog there and make some space for videos..

Looking at silver and Gold, I think there will be first drop .. and then it will go up.. or it will move very slowly and then sprint at the end of the year.

Also I am looking for some nice things to do during my vacation .. I found out there is some gold in the ground here in Japan .. http://www.water.sannet.ne.jp/p-omori/AI4.htm..

Geen opmerkingen:

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