woensdag 6 juni 2012

the line is still up ..

It looks like stocks and oil has found its way up again for the moment and gold and silver are following in this market, as i predicted yesterday silver will soon break the 30 again and yesterday it almost did, that was a little fast , bus if this line continues I think there is space for silver to go back at its stable prize of 35 dollars again there it will wait until more bab news out of Europa , or other QE3 and then spike up again ...
After this period, of rise I expect again a sharp pull down .. but if that pull down will be as strong as the previous I don't know  .. I hope silver will top at 40 or 45 for one or 2 days and then maybe go down again .., this will make people crazy ..

So if silver continues to rise and it is profitable to sell maybe that will be a good chance to make some money, sell some silver,  because I expect silver to drop again this year to a low .. I dot know if it will be as low as 21 dollars but I expect it again under the 30 dollars later this year ..
so if next week the silver prize is at 31/ 32 dollars I expect it to go up to 40 or higher , and then crash again to under 30 dollars ..
I hope it will be 2 days stable at 42/ 45 dollars so there is a chance to sell at that prize.

I think around August there will be a drop again and then around September the end of the year rally will start ...

So lets hope silver will top soon around 45 dollar and then I hope there is time enough to drop again before the big rally later this year .. It can also be that the rally will be at the beginning of 2013 ... but I think there will be a time you can sell silver and buy silver again cheaper .. this year (so at the end you will have more silver for the same prize.)

Also Europa is still getting worse and countries are not yet selling there gold .. so also lets wait what happens with Greece , Spain  and the other euro countries,  it looks like these problem will give us a opportunity to make money ...
also the BOJ will try to pus the yen back to 80 again or higher , if at that moment the silver prize tops. it will be a good moment to sell ..
because I think before the break down of the euro people will go flee into the yen there by pushing up the prize of the yen again , this pull will be so strong that the BOJ can prevent this move.. in 2013 I see that the yen will get weak if the Europa problem has been stabilized,  but what the exchange will be of the dollar/yen at that time i can not yet predicted..

So if Friday the prize is around 30 than it will keep rising to higher levels .. but I expect a sharp pull back also soon again but I hope that will be around the end of this month ..

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