donderdag 7 juni 2012

we saw a small drop yesterday ..

as expected there was a drop , but i think this is not the drop .. i see gold and silver going up again also because off the bank rating of the Spain its banks ...
So i hope to see the silver price to get back to the 30 dollars again ..
it will drop if europa will start selling there metals but for that it is not yet the time so we need to hope to get the metals to a spike upwards where we can sell our silver and re-buy again if Europa is selling there gold and there by lower the price of silver .. at that moment silver van go under the 20 dollars .. after that rally down i expect silver to go to 60 dollars and then slowly go up too 100 dollars ...
This all is linked to the developments in Europa and the demand of silver for the economy 

so lets hope silver will finds it way back up ... if it drops later this day .. then it can go down again and we need to wait for another wave .. i don't think it will now go back at 27 dollars again ...

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