woensdag 15 augustus 2012

Silver stable.. but move coming soon

It was a very strange time for silver the last weeks.
But I think now is the time for the move..

it can be that it will first drop ... and then rally until next year.. so lets wait and see..

Also I am busy with the new site and silver coins webshop (www.tokyocoin.jp)
I will also move the blog to that site and also keep this one ..

The coin web shop will ship inside Japan silver coins..

So I will also set up the blog there and make some space for videos..

Looking at silver and Gold, I think there will be first drop .. and then it will go up.. or it will move very slowly and then sprint at the end of the year.

Also I am looking for some nice things to do during my vacation .. I found out there is some gold in the ground here in Japan .. http://www.water.sannet.ne.jp/p-omori/AI4.htm..

donderdag 12 juli 2012

Japan is still strong

Japan's Dentsu Agrees to Buy UK-Based Aegis for £3.2 Billion

You can see that Japan is still buying ..
also the silver price and gold prize are still going down and then up again..
I think juli 17 will be a turning point , so Gold and Silver will go lower .. but It didn't go as low a I was thinking , but I hope it will break 26 and 25 before the rally at the end of this year ....

you can also see more news about gold going to 2000 at the end of the year .. so I will stay and look if silver will go under 24 dollar .. if not I will wait for the rally up else I will buy again when it is going to this super low prize
but I still wait on the sell off of the European gold.. 

So do not get stressed and just wait an see what happens ..
the crisses is still expanding so thi story is not over yet .. maybe the real low .. is still in the making ...
I will not up date much because the silver is still very volatility and we just need to watch for a buying opportunity

All looks good for a nice bottom but also for the rally upwards at the end of the year ..
I think the shaking out of the paper investors will soon begin pushing the price more down !!

donderdag 21 juni 2012

was that the top ?

As I predicted there would be a top, but it looks like it didn't go high so as predicted we will see a big drop again

it can be that this patron will repeat again but it will breakout up or down , I expect first a breakout down wards very strong and then the upwards move but that will be later this year in 2 or 3 months .. so the dip will come soon .. but also the Europa bank need to be selling ..
So if this is a good pull down we will see 24 and lower .. the rid is not over ..

I only hope we will see a good spike up during this path down ...to make some money now .. but it looks like this will not the case , so wait for lower price and buy again ..
I still can buy some but now I really are at my limits ..  so i hope to see 18 dollar , that would be a good max low prize ..  but 22 dollar will also be nice, at the moment the yen is getting weak , strong dollar now at 80 hope to see that it will go back again to 78 or so but a really low silver prize can also compensate

I expect that this summer the silver prize will go up and down in strange ways but when the winter starts we will see a rising in the prize, hope it can hit 70 this year ..
I hope the silver storage will run out and there by push the prize in a upwards bubble 

donderdag 14 juni 2012

the weekend

it looks like this week was just a roller-coaster. up down up ..
ending at the same level again ..

but this weekend will be the beginning of a move up or down ..
the BOJ is getting ready , so the yen will not drop ...
So I expect the silver prize and gold prize will move this time ..

Just sit back and enjoy the ride...

woensdag 13 juni 2012

looks like europa is imploding !!

Italy a bank is already closed and Spain is not really good even Germany loan is getting more expensive..
So this week and week end the gold and silver price will climb up ... I hope it will get enough push to go to the  40 dollars for silver and 1900 for gold ..
Then I expect a sell of in Europa of there metals ,and that will push the prices to new lows !!

silver looks now to be at 29 dollars and I hope it can break the 30 dollars later today .. when the Europa/US market is trading !!

Greece elections will not influence much but Italy is the one now to look at Spain and Greece is already imploded.. If it jumps to Italy I expect France to do some moves that the fire is not going to them ..

I expect some bank runs and also in other more stable countries in Europa that people will start to pull out there money .. Because it is not cheap for Europeans to buy silver and gold they will not go a mass buying these save havens ..

stable at just under 30 for silver and 80 for the dollar

Looks like the we are climbing slowly out of the dip ..
I expect a spike up to 35 dollars soon and that the dollar yen will go to the 85 again ..

It was really uninteresting the couple of days , so i didn't post any news, I expect when Spain and Greece will go down the gold price will spike ..
It will be impossible to predict exactly when this will happen .
So I expect a scarp spike up to 35 dollars, but if it will continue up that will be the big question ..
it looks like the yen is losing it strength so the 85 will be possible in the near future, I hope it will be in combination with a high silver price making it possible to sell some silver ..

the problem is now is what will happen after this slow rise .. I expect a drop again but not a big one and then up to the 50 dollars
I think the picture will be more clear in the next 2 weeks so it is now just waiting for a new high or unlikely drop .. 

I expect the spike in 2 a 4 weeks .. and i hope it will be high enough to sell ...
after that spike i expect it to fall back to 32 / 35 dollars and then a rally at the end of the year to 50 dollars ...

donderdag 7 juni 2012

we saw a small drop yesterday ..

as expected there was a drop , but i think this is not the drop .. i see gold and silver going up again also because off the bank rating of the Spain its banks ...
So i hope to see the silver price to get back to the 30 dollars again ..
it will drop if europa will start selling there metals but for that it is not yet the time so we need to hope to get the metals to a spike upwards where we can sell our silver and re-buy again if Europa is selling there gold and there by lower the price of silver .. at that moment silver van go under the 20 dollars .. after that rally down i expect silver to go to 60 dollars and then slowly go up too 100 dollars ...
This all is linked to the developments in Europa and the demand of silver for the economy 

so lets hope silver will finds it way back up ... if it drops later this day .. then it can go down again and we need to wait for another wave .. i don't think it will now go back at 27 dollars again ...

woensdag 6 juni 2012

the line is still up ..

It looks like stocks and oil has found its way up again for the moment and gold and silver are following in this market, as i predicted yesterday silver will soon break the 30 again and yesterday it almost did, that was a little fast , bus if this line continues I think there is space for silver to go back at its stable prize of 35 dollars again there it will wait until more bab news out of Europa , or other QE3 and then spike up again ...
After this period, of rise I expect again a sharp pull down .. but if that pull down will be as strong as the previous I don't know  .. I hope silver will top at 40 or 45 for one or 2 days and then maybe go down again .., this will make people crazy ..

So if silver continues to rise and it is profitable to sell maybe that will be a good chance to make some money, sell some silver,  because I expect silver to drop again this year to a low .. I dot know if it will be as low as 21 dollars but I expect it again under the 30 dollars later this year ..
so if next week the silver prize is at 31/ 32 dollars I expect it to go up to 40 or higher , and then crash again to under 30 dollars ..
I hope it will be 2 days stable at 42/ 45 dollars so there is a chance to sell at that prize.

I think around August there will be a drop again and then around September the end of the year rally will start ...

So lets hope silver will top soon around 45 dollar and then I hope there is time enough to drop again before the big rally later this year .. It can also be that the rally will be at the beginning of 2013 ... but I think there will be a time you can sell silver and buy silver again cheaper .. this year (so at the end you will have more silver for the same prize.)

Also Europa is still getting worse and countries are not yet selling there gold .. so also lets wait what happens with Greece , Spain  and the other euro countries,  it looks like these problem will give us a opportunity to make money ...
also the BOJ will try to pus the yen back to 80 again or higher , if at that moment the silver prize tops. it will be a good moment to sell ..
because I think before the break down of the euro people will go flee into the yen there by pushing up the prize of the yen again , this pull will be so strong that the BOJ can prevent this move.. in 2013 I see that the yen will get weak if the Europa problem has been stabilized,  but what the exchange will be of the dollar/yen at that time i can not yet predicted..

So if Friday the prize is around 30 than it will keep rising to higher levels .. but I expect a sharp pull back also soon again but I hope that will be around the end of this month ..

looks like we will soon break the 30 dollars again!!

as expected there was a little BOJ action and now it looks like silver has found its way up again ..
I think we will see a rise in the prize in the next days .. It looks like the problems in Europa push the prize up of gold and silver but we need to wait a little longer to see if this is really the case and not because of a strong dollar ..
 so we need the wait until the end of the week again

I expect that there maybe a pull back again and then we will see a way up again in the charts and a rally at the end of the year .. US elections

dinsdag 5 juni 2012

looks everybody is waitng ..

So end of the week there maybe some activity , but now it will not move I expect some activity a the end of this week and end of next week ..
so It is now just going slow but that will change fast !!

also it looks like the BOJ did some stealth interventions..
But I expect the dollar will drop again soon ..

maandag 4 juni 2012

stable silent for the storm?

At the moment it doesn't move much but I expect some big moving in 3 hours lets see what happens !!

Lets look what happens if the USA opens today ...
I think it will go up .. but will later maybe next week fall again very hard !!

vrijdag 1 juni 2012

could buy some at this low.

I was able to buy some silver this morning .. next level I will buy is 65000 yen (kilo price)..
But there is a chance that if will not make this .. it looks like the BOJ is thinking about a intervention , but I think this will be not smart with the implosion happening in the euro zone ..

So there can develop some thinks in this weekend pushing the price up again ..
I think we will see the market going a little more down and so at the beginning of next week there real games will start will oil gold silver break there resultants or not 

I hope they can .. but it will be for a short time .. then they will stabilize until the euro breaks up .. I will be busy this weekend .. everybody have a nice weekend and try to stack when the prizes are low .. but always keep in mind .. it always can get lower!!!

donderdag 31 mei 2012

Revisit of low.

Revisit of low.

It looks like today we have  a good opportunity to buy today if the price sticks in the low 2170 yen for silver now at 7:20 it is recovering a little but I hope it will drop a little lower just before the price is set today at 10:00 (27.72 USD)

the 8 hour NetDania chart

As I predicted yesterday today Friday we have a good buying opportunity if the price of silver will be around this at 10:00 ... I will buy .. today ..
You can see in the 8 hour chart that the volumes are now increasing this means we will get a top or a bottom soon .. there is a nice wave patron in the volume chart.

Also the yen is getting at its low and we need to watch out for the BOJ.

So we are realy now on a turning point .. are we going down or up again.
If the price will stay this low this morning I will buy some silver to lower my stack price .. This looks to be a nice price. If it drops more I will wait again until it drops another 20% a 25% . that will be around 1600 yen ..  that will be around 21 USD when the yen dollar exchange stays the same.
21 dollar is possible but I think that it will go there in a spike, and I think I will not be able to buy at that level maybe I will be able to buy in the low 24 USD if it falls but that is only if it falls..
So at the moment I didnt buy at these low prices times so now is for me to add some to my stack ..
I expect it to bounce up again in the beginning of the week and go around this level again next week a next big drop or spike I expect at the 16 JUNE ... one day before the elections in Greece.. after that day we will know if the prices go down or up ..
If they will go down we can expect a 20 USD price for silver and 1200 USD for gold .. if it goes up .. it will be a temporary spike up and followed by a down again soon I expect the real rally around the last 3 - 4  months of this year ..

So I hope it stay low until 10:00 of I hope it will drop a little more : )
and then sit back an watch what happens at the weekend .. (also oil is at a low)