vrijdag 18 mei 2012

the day of the facebook IPO

As I look at the silver and gold chart it is a little strange but I think it is not the climb up of the metals, my wive couldn't wait and surprised me with some gold : )
She could buy the gold at the low this morning price so she has a good deal.
I focus my self more on silver and I needed silver around the 26 .. So i didn't buy.
So what ever happens we have some metals at this dip ..
Gold is much easier to trade here in japan as coins or silver .. silver are seen here as scrap silver .. coins are not see as having any extra value for the silver business it is more a (geek) otaku hobby  So i will only Collete silver coins as a hobby and sell then outside of japan .. to get a good price here in japan I will keep collecting bars..

now back ath the silver prize and yen

yen when up more that a .5 dollar and the silver prize went up 1 dollar that result in a not big move up in the silver price here in japan . so that was for me the decision not buy silver I expected a bigger move and until now I didn't see a spike downwards..
So I think the real dip will come in the future..
also silver never goes slowly to a low .. it is always going in a chaotic way down and then quickly bounce up again .. 
So i will wait for that move .. I hope Facebook can really crash the metal price today and pull silver really hard down to under the 26 ..

As many people say if the real low comes many people will be shaken of the silver train .. so this was to easy ..

lets look what happen to day ..

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