donderdag 17 mei 2012

the gold push up

If you look at the charts of gold and platinum we see that they have shot up and now are going down again when the west starts to trade .. silver has has behind but is now almost at the same prize.

I think the explanation is that the east (japan) was buying gold or is planning to buy more gold , also we see a turn around in the dollar yen trade and the yen because a little weaker ..
this could because they bought dollar to buy gold .. and with this move up gold and silver followed ,but because Asia don't like silver it didn't go as big as gold went up 1.7% and silver only 1.3% this because they also had some suppression by the money trade between the dollar and the yen so silver was luck , platinum did go up with the same volatility and is not back the same as gold, if gold goes just before opening of the US market back then silver start lower and that will help in a bigger drop in silver ..
Now the prize is stabilized almost at the same opening prize as yesterday and I expect a big drop coming now it is the silently before the storm ..
Also with a lower start value of the silver the Americans and Europa will even drop more silver , I hope gold can go back to there yesterday prize and i hope some countries will now start to dump there gold before all the other will start , the countries that starts the first will be the winner because the can buy it later back cheaper ..
If not counties or big banks start to drop gold and the gold gets cheaper they will loss a lot of money so for them it will be better to go into the dollar this will push the dollar in a bubble .. The Japanese then need to deflate there yen and that will result that japan companies will get it easier to take over other companies or banks outside japan I expect this to happen that some banks will be taken in Europa by Japanese banks.

So i expect the yen to get weaker again and the gold prize to fall ..
lets look what happens .... tonight

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