woensdag 23 mei 2012

lets look at the gold and silver price in dollar and yen

Look at the charts below..
you can see that the top between 2007 and 2008and the dip we see now that there is a big difference between the dollar and the yen .. This is what I call the bubble.

With silver we already touched the high of 2007/2007 with this dip but in with the dollar this is not the case.
 If gold will follow silver this means that gold can go lower .. 1200 but I think this will not happen because then the yen chart will look very different and that will mean that the yen needs to get very strong. and that will not happen because the BOJ will print more money to push the yen down and this will mean that japan will have a lot of free money .. 

Also you can see the bubble of the dollar in this chart and I hope I can deduct what the points will be when things will change.
next the silver / gold and USD/ YEN 


 you see that the dollar has drop against the yen .. and also know that now Japan has the most debt papers of the US .. So the dollar can push the yen down.. so I don't see the dollar getting stronger against the yen .. also the other chart shows that ratio is going up again .. 50% is possible ..
The yen pull down is stop by the BOJ by making more Yen .. but if japan is smart they start buying commodities with this extra money because the fall of the dollar looks to be unstoppable.
The only what to get out of this mess it to push the reset button ..  This would make silver and gold explode until the new currency will stabilize the commodity market again ..
So just before a reset of the BOJ or a bigger reset by the fed .. will give you investment opportunities.. because the chart will go up and down .. and that is the time to make a profit sell at a high buy at a low . and from the profit buy a house or farm .. or both..

So what will happen In this week ..
i expect a little pull up and then again a push down next week ... or it will stabilize
I think the silver price in japan has how a good low .. and this will be a good opportunity to buy and there by push up the market , but the gold prize is still some little to go more down , and because the Japanese don't like silver they will not buy silver and wait until the gold is at a good low at that time silver will be very very cheap here in Japan an then I will make my move .. because shortly after the low the BOJ will push the dollar up and there buy all the prize of the commodities is Japan ..

So I hope the prize will end under the 60.000 yen a kilo this week and go to the 50.000a kilo , I think that will be around the limit and the signal for me to make a big buy ....
And then hope the BOJ will push the yen down and that there will be a high again in the silver price so I can sell
Then I will be waiting on Europa for the big fall and new spike up (around the USA elections) so I hope I will be able buy at 50k and sell at 120k and then start re-buying around 90k again .... that would give me a nice profit in weight..

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