dinsdag 8 mei 2012

The move down

I looks like the IPO of Facebook make its presentation, in combination with the problems in Europa.
These facts look to push the stock market down and the gold and silver price.
so It looks like the people go in to cash, also the yen is getting stronger.
may is the fist month that the gold import is down .. so it looks like gold is at the moment less popular , I think people want to make a quick profit with the Facebook stock and then go in gold again because it will be cheap.. this low prize of gold can also be created by the banks that need more cash and there is now not a counter party to push it up (Facebook)..

so before 18 May I expect the price to continue to go down and after the stock of Facebook I expect that people will return in gold and silver.

I hope it will go as low as 26 dollar and that the yen goes to 77 then it will be a good time to by silver ..

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