woensdag 16 mei 2012

Will 27 be broken again today?

Yesterday the prize dropped a little but more stabilized just above 27 .. It went into the 26 but went up again.
 I think today it will go again to the 26 and I hope it will go to the low 26 so Friday we will see if it can break the 26 before the IPO of FaceBook.

Also now the problems start to escalate in Greece but it really doesn't look to have any influence on the gold prize. So do we need to wait until Europa banks will start to sell there gold , the question is are they going to sell there gold .. if this would happen we haven't seen the bottom yet .. and the prize will drop to 21 dollar for silver and 1200 for gold ..

Also yesterday the silver volume increased a little ..
The  gold volume stayed the same maybe this indicates that people expect silver stay longer  long for the time and people leave there silver position for the moment to re-enter the market when there is a new upwards market. 

also I saw that japan pension funds can invest in gold , Mizuho Trust & Banking makes it possible for smal pensions funds to invest in gold.


Also the Japanese banks are doing very good and maybe we will see some take over of foreign bank in this quarter .. I expect this to happen .
I will check the Japanese custom site to check if japan is buying more gold .
I will make a report about the Japanese customs regarding gold in the next week this will really show what investors are doing here with gold on the Japanese market.

So today we will see a small drop when of silver but I hope today it will go into the 26 dollars .. the Yen keeps to around 80.0 and 80.5 dollars .. I think it will stabilize around 80.7 and maybe start to drop a little to the 80.5 again .. Nomura april trend watch shows that Gold is now in Japan number 3  
1) Cash & deposits
2) Equities
3) Gold
4) Investment trusts
5) Securities issued overseas
6) Bonds
7) Hybrid securities

So I will need to look more closely at hat the customs number of April if these are released


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