zondag 20 mei 2012

Tokyo eclipse

I hope the eclipse will pull the price here down for silver and gold : )

I will put some photos of the eclipse later on the blog at the moment i an looking at the ground I we will buy .. it is more expensive as we where thinking .. so we really need to think if we will take this step

back to silver and the yen

price went up of silver and the yen during the opening , but now they have found the path down I hope it will continue, also in the news is that Indonesia will in crease the export tax of gold and silver to 20%

this can have a impact, also the problems in India are not resolved .. china is buying now more gold , so when India will start buying again the price will go up with the tax increase of the metals..

at the moment it is stable, but I think the price will go down because the people that want to buy cheap maybe now the effect will play that people will think that silver is not a good investment and will go to the stock market for the moment and that will pull the price down .. also this weekend of G8 meting doesn't had big news .. still no exit of Greece , something that will happen soon !!

so I hope the yen will go to 78.6 and silver to 28 or a little lower ..
lets see what happens ... this week will be very important, because of the instability market at the moment .

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