donderdag 24 mei 2012

what will happen with europa.

I just listed to my favorite Dutch TV show about the economy, and they tell there are two possibilities with what is going to happen with the Euro, and I agree with thee views.

1) Europa will  become a USA with one government and one tax and in that way the money can bed spread between the rich and poor countries. This will be the best solution if you want to have a ONE EUROPA with one currency.

2) Germany or Greece or another country will step out of the Euro and that will make the Euro fall, I think Greece doesn't want to leave but Germany in the long run would not want to pay for other countries.
Because the countries and the people in Europa are not willing to act as one this would be a very likely possibility .

As you already can see I think that number 2 will be what will happen to the Euro, so now that we assume this will happen the only think we need to know is when will it happen and what exactly will happen to gold and silver ..

The when will be a surprise because if all would know many people will have advance of this fact so I think it will happen at the moment that will surprise people. but I think it will be in 1 or 2 years ..if the escalations continue in  the way they develop now but , we also need the wait what happens with  the German elections and the elections of the other countries.
So keep looking to the news for sign that something big will happen , normal it will happen when the banks are closed so weekends or holidays.

What will happen to silver or gold (up or down) is now not clear in the next days this will be the main point of my attention, because i to know if buying now is good or if it is better during the fall of the euro ..

Geen opmerkingen:

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