zaterdag 12 mei 2012

fast update ..

 I saw this picture
The Time to Buy Gold Is When There Is Blood In the Streets and That Time Is NOW!

The picture show more that one thing 
1) Europa is in the biggest problems but has the lowest debt?
2) Japan has problems that the yen is to strong against the dollar and has the biggest dept.

these two things are very strange but then I got it,
The guilty one is in the middle..
the dollar is linked to the gold price.. and because the dollar is in a bubble (because of all the printing) it pushes up the gold prize and because banks use gold to insure there asset ""against a possible the fall of the dollar" so this pushes the gold prize in a bubble also think about the fact that that 70% to 80% of the dollars are out side of the USA so if the dollar collapse USA will not have the big problem but the other countries.. but if it brakes no one will use the dollars any more and then they will unlink the dollar from the commodity prices and other trades, you can already see this happening with China..

Also this explains why platinum is overtaken in price..  and the silver gold prize isn't 16 : 1  so when the dollar falls .. (American economy) the gold prize will sky rocket in dollars but then the dollar will not be used to trade gold any more.. and then there is no advance in the gold anymore, so maybe that is why rich people are now not in gold ..they are going outside of the USA and invest in other things.. also if the dollar fails it will not be clear what the roll of gold will be it and maybe you will lose your in vestment in gold or it will drop to a very low prize. sliver will be saver because it has industry uses.

So this will mean that gold is 3x too expensive and that 600 dollar or 800 euro is the correct price of gold.. so I think you must not look at the dollar prize of gold after de collapse or the dollar look at Zambia .. I assume that silver is not pushed up as much as gold . but if so the prize will be even lower as 800 euro the gold prize.
This means that gold can go down and much more if needed.. 

If this is the fact than this model can give use a idea what is happening at the moment and what can happen in the future. For me the Japanese situation is the most important and I can buy now at the moment with a even stronger yen cheaper silver and gold if the price keep dropping in dollars, but I need to step out of silver at the right moment and go buy a house because a house will be a good investment or buy ground.
I had a good timing for selling my house and my stock and i also left The Netherlands on time .. Here I Japan I can see more clearly what is going to happen and also the Japanese situation is easier to predict for me. 

So I thing fist euro will go and then the USA will follow .. and Russia we also must to forget , china will decouple there currency from the dollar and Japan is in a save position because most money is invested outside Japan and I think japan will come with a different solution as the west top solve there problem... 

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