dinsdag 15 mei 2012

next day of lower prices

Now it is at 27.7 ..  Yen is still weaker as dollar so still people go out of stock and gold .. because of the IPO of Facebook.
Also now it has broken the 28 good it can go lower .. 26 is the next resistant, If I an correct it will reach this around Friday .. so two days to go ..

Now we need to look if the people that bought at 30  will sell .. to buy cheaper silver .. I will keep my silver and add position I can still triple my position in silver because I have until now not go in 100% at all, now I need to look how much I need to buy at around 26 ..

I think I will add 1/3 and then hope it will also break the 26 and go to 21 and then add a other 1/3 to my stack .. this will reduce my prize of my stacked silver ..
problem now is how low can it go and how much must i invested in the end ...
also then I need to look how fast it can go up again .. and when to sell ..

I think it will drop slow and go up very fast ... but at the moment it is going down with 1 dollar a day .. so .. i Hope it will slow down after 26 ..
Also I think the yen .. will be a good indicator when the dollar gets weaker and when the gold and silver prize can rise again

So at the moment the yen stop around 80 .. so this means that the yen isn't getting stronger as it did the last weeks .. so the dollar gets stronger because the people go in cash position to buy the Facebook IPO Friday .. so I expect a big drop of the dollar Monday ..

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