vrijdag 11 mei 2012

silver continues down but recovers a little

Looking at the gold, platinum and silver prizes at Friday it looks like silver is up again from the dip but the other metal are still in the line of going down

I was to late to buy at the dip on Friday at around 28.5 dollar, but the yen dollar exchange-raid went back up to around 80 again .. I hoped on a slowly down movement but that is not the case Friday ..


If you read all the silver/gold forum this week end many people are going to stack metals because they are cheap. so will the online store run out fast ... and will the prize go up Monday?

also JPMorgan's $2B trading loss can have a impact maybe the will sell there gold and silver.. also the IPO next week will also have a impact on the market ..


now the big question is what will happen next week will the metals go down more?

There look to be a bottom coming up soon at the metal charts , at the moment silver is to volatile and I think it is better to look at the other metals and also a little to oil.. at the moment if the silver price can go down more..

The big drop is not in the charts , will it come ?? we don't know but if it goes more down the elements pushing the prizes down of the metals will be external factors and ..
So it could happen that you cant buy coins but the prize will continue to drop because of other markets influencing the metal value ..   
I think the external factor are more important that the metal them self ,, so even if coins are not available this will not change the chart and push the prize up .. I hope I am correct and hope to by some silver next week and lower my average silver price because this is a good opportunity to buy some. but I will not go in big because there is a possibility it can go much more down ..  my max low price is around 21 dollars at the moment so I will do some buying at 28/27 and then wait till 24/23.. then I need to wait until 21 to look if it can get even lower. Because you cant predict  max dip you need to buy a little every time to lower my average stored silver price. my plan is first to make my average around the 30 and later if it goes in the low 20 to 25 .. so if it goes up to the old high of 50 i will double my investment

Also may people think that Japan will follow Europa .. because of there internal financial situation. I don't think this will happen , but my metal investment will protect me for this kind of situations so for me this will not be a problem because it will only lead to a higher prize of silver in japan. I am also now looking at ground and house in Japan and look if it is now a good time to buy leaning money is cheap here and property out side of Tokyo is cheap also many old people are now selling. So maybe by a piece of ground and build a house of buy a piece of Forrest (very cheap)

So I hope the dollar will fall next week and the yen get a little stronger .. a clear 79 or some where middle 78/79 looking at the chart below it think it must be possible to move the exchange-raid a little lower.
 Also the trend of the stock market in America is still down wards so I think this will also punch the price of the metals also oil can go down a little more

so at the moment all looks good for a more downwards movement of the metals but I will do a move around the Facebook IPO because I think that can be a market changer.. for the bad of good .. but no matter what happens with volatility you can make money ..

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