maandag 21 mei 2012

Price of silver in yen looks to stablize.

Looking today at the charts and new the price of the yen and silver looks to stabilize ..
Now the yen is up and the silver price is down, resulting in a more expensive silver price.

Look ing at the both graphs they are still very volatile to the up and down side, or the prize will stay at this range. 
Also Japan is still the largest net creditor nation in the world for 21/22 years so the yen is and will be very strong, so I hope it can break the 79 to day an go to 78.8 or 78.9.

Silver and Gold will go maybe lower because people know that maybe there will come a big sell of by Europa because off the problems there .. this is "possible" sell of by country looks make the market very volatile.
So will will need to have wait what will happen , I think market also doesn't know where to go Facebook is down but still o.k. not a big drop, but I kink this company has a good possibility to go to 60 or higher this year.
FB34.03 -4.20 (-10.99%) 72.76B                                                                             

Looking at tech stock my "likeable" stocks are going up, I will post my list of stock where I looking at now, looking at oil it is also going up, so I expect the price to stabilize a little to day but end of the week we will know if the trend is up or down .. .

Today is also the opening of the Tokyo sky Tree, if there is a light show I will place some links of them 

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