woensdag 30 mei 2012

looks like a Bottom at the moment

If you look at gold silver (USD) and the silver price in Yen it looks we are at a old Bottom
the movement up and down (two small mountains) is a sign of testing the lower resistances. You can see it clearly at the silver yen chart ..

It looks like Denmark also is getting in problems the Spain problems are still unclear
and also India http://www.cnbc.com/id/47615018  is slowing down and the tax was increased of gold so India will buy less gold, I think China cant compensate for this , so that will pull the prize more down .
Also I think Banks in Europa will start selling some gold because of the gold prize can shot down and there by threaten there cash position .

So gold isn't yet a save haven .. it is now testing it bottom
So lets hope it will break true this bottom and continue the road down wards ..
I expect the gold prize to spike 1200 US and then re-bounce, or it will go slow to 1200 and stay there testing there again the bottom
We need to looks what is at that moment the news in the world .. I hope this will be around the American elections .. That can push the prize up again..
I expect Silver to go to the low 20 dollars again, I will not sell my silver because i know the prize will be higher in the future , also if I sell and buy silver here in Japan I needed to pay extra money  .. So I will buy at the low more
also the yen is getting stronger again now at 79 hope to see it break the 79 this week and go to 78.5 This will push the price of silver even more down here In Japan ..

Also I think when silver is getting hard to get it will be very difficult in Japan because they don't like this metal ..So i will keep my sliver for the moment and will hope to add to my position in the near future, it now looks like my idea is working out and the price of silver will drop big time ..
So the line is still downwards .. so we need to wait , if you think this is the bottom than now a good time to add to your position, because this can also be the bottom , but I don't think so, because of the way the chart looks and all the news in the world.
There isn't a big change yet, there is only more of the same news and it is going the same direction .. more and more problems ..
Also this is the prefect situation to push people out of gold and silver .. if it keeps going down ...
I will wait until Friday and if The prize is more down I will keep waiting because the chance it will break true this bottom will get bigger with the days ... and then there will be a chance it will go down fast an then there will be my buying chance ...

Also we need to look at Friday because of Spain all important thing happen in the weekend when there is no trade, so if you add to your position do it on Friday.. because Monday it can shot up .. So I will look at Friday if the price is nice and maybe then add a little to my stack but if I get signals that it can go much lower (breaking this resistances) then I will wait again ..

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